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Convention Main Speaker Tells of His Dreams
Posted on Aug 16 2014
The main speaker for the Sabbath Service at the ASI-IAD Convention being held in Puebla, Mexico was Dr. Roy Adams Retired Associate Editor of the Adventist Review/Adventist World. For forty mesmerizing minutes he alowed to dream with him a dream he has harbored for many years. Under the topic- The Magnitude and the Complexity of the Mission he wondered aloud -How would we get this mission accomplished with such a great magnitude and such complexity. The Mission as it stated was given by Jesus Christ Himself in Matthew 28 v 18-19 when he instructed us to and finish the gospel.
Dr. Adams spoke of the time he first visited Bomaby India, and saw the great multitude that lived in poverty. Though previously being an ardent anti-poverty advocate he was so overwhelmed by the enormity of the problem as displayed by such a vast population that he lost his activist zeal, being overcome by the magnitude of the task. Another experience which demnstrated the enormity of the challenge we face was when he share a flight with a young man from Saudi Arabia and during thheir conversation was sudenly sruck by the fact of how long it would take to meaningfully introduce Jesus Christ to a person such as this. The gap between his backgrong and christianity wa so huge.
In thoughful mood the preacher recalled his awaking to the complexity of our mission when he visited the Worldn Council of Churches